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Sideloading Your Ebook

Sideloading refers to loading an ebook onto a device without purchasing it from a store. This can be a useful way to have some one else read your book, or to perform an editing check before proofing.

Send to Kindle

The easiest way to sideload your book to a Kindle device is to use Amazon‘s Send to Kindle page.

If you aren’t already signed into your Amazon account, you’ll need to do that first. Then, you’ll see a large area where you can drop your Kindle.epub file.

Amazon’s Send to Kindle webpage

Once you’ve added your Kindle file, the webpage will show the Send button:

The Send to Kindle webpage displaying a large Send button

Pressing the Send button will upload your Kindle EPUB to Amazon. You can keep track of its progress by looking at the Recently sent files section at the bottom of the page.

The Recently sent files list at the bottom of the Send to Kindle webpage

When Amazon is done processing your ebook, it will appear in your Kindle application's library.

USB Transfer

Transferring your file via USB is a bit more complicated, but it allows you to load your book directly onto a device, without relying on a service. It can also be used for Nook and Kobo, which don’t offer an equivalent of Send to Kindle.

To transfer your file, you’ll need a USB cable, such as the one that came with your device.

USB Transfer for E-ink Readers

Follow these steps to transfer to an e-ink reader, like the Nook Glowlight or the Kobo Aura:

  1. Connect your device to your Mac using the USB cable. With your device connected, it should appear in the sidebar of the Mac Finder: Finder sidebar showing a mounted Nook device
  2. Click on your device in the sidebar to display its contents.
  3. Drag your ebook file into the appropriate destination folder:
    Drag your Nook.epub file into the NOOK folder
    Drag your Kobo.kepub.epub file into the top-level folder
  4. After the file has been transferred (it will be quick), you can “eject” your device using the button in the sidebar: Finder sidebar with pointer hovering over the Nook’s eject button
  5. Unplug the device from your Mac. You should see your ebook in your device’s library.

USB Transfer for Android Tablets

Follow these steps for Android tablets, like the Samsung Galaxy:

Before you start, you’ll need to download and install the Android File Transfer application on your Mac.

  1. Connect your tablet to your Mac using a USB cable. This should launch the Android File Transfer app.
  2. Drag to copy your ebook file into the appropriate destination folder:
    Drag your Nook.epub file into the NOOK/Books folder
    Drag your Kobo.kepub.epub file into the Documents folder
    The Android File Transfer window
  3. Unplug your device once the copy completes.
  4. Open the appropriate reading app (Nook or Kobo) on your tablet.

    In the Nook app, you should immediately find your ebook in your library.

    For Kobo, you’ll need to explicitly import your ebook. Press the button in the upper-right and select Import Items, which will display the following:

    Select your ebook, then press Import Selected to add it into your library.

    Note: Kobo will scan your entire tablet for epub files, so if you are proofing your Nook files on the same device, you may want to remove them before importing your Kobo ebooks.

Google Play

In addition to the methods above, you can sideload a book into Google Play by proofing your book in Google Chrome. After you upload your ebook file to your account, you’ll see it on your devices as well.