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You can use a list to:

Adding a List

To add a List to your book, select its members and choose the List item from the Text Feature menu.

Vellum's Text Feature menu

Changing the List Type

Lists are bulleted by default: each item in the list is automatically preceded by a round bullet (•). Use the lozenge menu to the right of your list if you require a numbered or lettered list instead:


To indent a list item and create a new sublevel, press Tab when your cursor is anywhere within that item. To bring the item back to the previous level, hold down Shift and press Tab.

To change the type of a sublevel, use the lozenge menu that appears to the right of a list item at that level:

The List Numbering popup menu showing different list types

This feature was added in Vellum 3.8. Make sure you are up-to-date.

Improperly Indented Sublevels

If a sublevel is over-indented, then its markers will be drawn in red:

A List with an sublevel that is over-indented

In the above example, the sublist of different fairywrens is indented two levels more than its parent, "Fairywrens."

To fix, you could use Shift+Tab to bring all of the fairywrens back one level. However, indenting "Fairywrens" one more level will also work (and is correct in this case):

A List with its sublevels properly indented

Continue from Previous

If you’re using one of the ordered list types, you can choose to resume numbering or lettering from the previous list by selecting Continue from Previous:

The List Numbering popup menu showing a selected Continue from Previous menu item

With that option enabled, numbering will be continuous across multiple lists:

The Text Editor showing two Lists, the second of which continues its numbering from the first

This feature was added in Vellum 3.8. Make sure you are up-to-date.

Keep Lines on Same Page

You can control where page breaks are allowed to occur using the Keep Lines on Same Page menu item, also accessible from the gear menu.

Keep Lines on Same Page menu item, as found in the options for a List

By default Keep Lines on Same Page is off and page breaks are allowed to occur anywhere in the List. When it’s on, if the entire List can’t fit entirely on one page, then it will be moved to the next.

Note: Keep Lines on Same Page is not supported by Kobo or Google Play. Vellum’s Preview will reflect this.

Format Next Paragraph

Usually, the text that follows a List will begin a new paragraph. If it is instead a continuation of the previous one, use the Format Next Paragraph As submenu:

Format Next Paragraph As menu, as found in the options for a List

When Continuation of Previous is selected, the text that follows will be set flush left.