Uploading to Barnes & Noble
To list your book with Barnes & Noble, you will need an account on their website:
Create a New Book
Once you’ve created your Barnes & Noble Press account, use the Create a New Book button to begin the process of submitting your book.
At this point, you’ll be asked whether you are creating an ebook or a print edition. Choose the type of book you want to create. If you want to publish both types, you can always return to your Project Dashboard later to create another edition.
Upload an Ebook
If you are uploading an ebook to Barnes & Noble Press, you will need to upload the ebook interior and cover image that Vellum generates for you. If this is the first time you are uploading the title, then you will also need to specify additional details about your book.
Upload Your Ebook Interior
After you’ve entered your book’s title, you will be asked to upload the interior file:

Press the Select From My Computer button, then choose the Nook version of your ebook, e.g. The-Invisible-Man-Nook.epub.
Once your upload is complete, you will be asked whether you’ve included the cover image in your interior. If you added an ebook cover using Vellum, answer Yes.
Next, you will see a “preview” of your ebook. Unfortunately, this will not necessarily be an accurate representation of your ebook. As a result, we recommend confirming the proof and moving on.
Note: If you want to proof your Nook ebook, please follow the instructions on our Proofing help page.
Upload Your Ebook Cover
After you’ve confirmed your ebook proof, you’ll be asked to upload your cover image.

Press the Select From My Computer button, then choose your cover image, e.g. The-Invisible-Man-Nook.jpg.
Finalize and Publish Your Ebook
If you haven't already supplied your book details for this title, then you will be prompted to enter additional information about your book such as author, description, keywords, pricing, etc.
With everything in place, you can press the Put On Sale button to publish your book!
Upload a Print Edition
If you are uploading your print edition to Barnes & Noble Press, you will need to upload the PDF interior that Vellum generates for you, as well as your cover image. If this is the first time you are uploading the title, then you will also need to specify additional details about your book.
Choose Your Book Size & Type
Before you can upload your print interior, you’ll need to select the trim size, cover format, and paper kind for your book:

First, make sure that you’ve chosen the Page Count and Page Size that match the values in Vellum’s Print Settings dialog.
You can choose your Interior Print Color, Cover Format, Cover Finish, and Paper Color according to your personal preference.
Note: if you choose to print in color, make sure that you’ve selected Include Images In: Color in Vellum’s Print Settings dialog
Upload Your Print Interior
Before you are able to upload your print interior, Barnes & Noble Press will offer you information about how to correctly format your book. Vellum has already done all of this for you, so you can click the Skip to Upload Your File button to move onto the next step.

Press the Select From My Computer button, then choose your PDF print interior, e.g. The-Invisible-Man-Print.pdf.
Next, you will see a proof of your print interior. Confirm the proof to move on to the next step.
Upload Your Print Cover
Barnes & Noble allows you to upload a full cover image (i.e. one that includes the front cover, back cover, and spine) or upload separate front and back covers:

For best results, we recommend working with a cover designer and choosing the Upload Full Cover File option. If you choose to go that route, you’ll be able to download a template that you can give your designer.
When you receive your cover image from your designer, you’ll select and upload it the same way you selected your print interior, above.
Finalize and Publish Your Print Edition
If you haven't already supplied your book details for this title, then you will be prompted to enter additional information about your book such as author, description, keywords, pricing, etc.
In addition, you’ll be able to specify your book’s ISBN during the finalization process. If you don’t have one, Barnes & Noble Press allows you to create a free one.
With everything in place, you’re almost ready to publish!

We recommend ordering a physical proof before actually publishing your book. To start that process, press the Submit for Approval button. If you are happy with the physical proof you will receive in the mail, then you can return to this page and press the Put On Sale button to publish your book!
Barnes & Noble Press Support
For questions that aren't addressed by this help page, you may be able to find answers in the Barnes & Noble Press Help Center.