Using Parts
You can add structure to your book by organizing chapters into Parts. Each Part will begin with an introductory page, and will appear as a group in your book’s Table of Contents.
Creating Parts
To collect a set of chapters into a Part, select the chapters and then use Create Part from Selection:
Note: You’ll find a similar command to group chapters into a Volume. You can use a Volume to represent a whole story, such as a book within a Box Set.
Parts in Your Table of Contents
You will find the structure you create with Parts mirrored in your book’s Table of Contents, with Chapters listed within their respective Parts:

If you’d rather only list Parts here (and not the Chapters within them) you can do so in the settings for your Table of Contents.
Chapter Numbering
By default, chapter numbers will continue across the parts in your book: if Part 1 ends with Chapter 10, Part 2 will begin with Chapter 11. If you’d like numbering to reset at each Part, you can change Numbering Settings.
You might prefer to use a different word, like Section, for the parts of your book. To change this, use Terminology, available from the Chapter menu.
Fixing Part Structure
Parts establish a structure for your book that dictates how each part and chapter is numbered. If this structure is incorrect, you may see unexpected results. You can fix structural issues by rearranging with drag-and-drop, or by using the commands described below.
Adding to a Part
You may find a situation where a chapter is misplaced and shows an unexpected chapter number. In the example below, the selected chapter is not properly nested within Part I, so it is incorrectly numbered as Chapter 1:

You can correct this by adding the misplaced chapter to Part I. To do that, hold down the Control key and click to open the menu for the chapter. From this menu select Add to “Part I”:
With the chapter properly nested within the part, the numbering will be correct.
Note: to maintain the order of your book, this command is only available when the selected element immediately follows a Part. If this command isn’t available, you can always reposition using drag-and-drop.
Extracting from a Part
When setting up parts, it’s possible to accidentally place one part within another. If you do this, you may find unexpected numbering for the part and for the chapters inside. In the example below, the selected part was inadvertently nested within Part II, so it is incorrectly numbered as Part I:

You can correct this by moving the misplaced part out of Part II and to the top level of the book. To do that, hold down the Control key and click to open the menu for the Part. From this menu select Extract from “Part II”:
With the part properly positioned, the numbering will be correct.
Note: to maintain the order of your book, this command is only available when the selected element comes at the end of a Part. If this command isn’t available, you can always reposition using drag-and-drop.